Saturday, May 19, 2007

Coming to terms

Hi everyone. I have been totally obsessed with my epilepsy lately. Possibly a normal reaction considering my recent experiences. I got out a couple of books from the library to learn more about my JME (Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy). I now regret not reading up on the subject when I was first diagnosed. I have learnt a lot more about epilepsy in general and my particular type.
A lot of epilepsy's are childhood/adolescence and will gradually disappear. I must be one of those special cases where the Lord knew I would accept (finally!) my epilepsy as it is one for life. Definately a tough one to accept. I do now know that I am one of millions and millions that have a life term illness.
I have been learning the down side of epilepsy. The short term memory is one of the most affected in me, something to do with where my seizures generally start from. We have a lot more happening in our brains that I never really thought about. Another one is the shakes and being clumsy.
Mentally I am doing okay. Its a real struggle to realise and accept that I have this thing that is stopping me having a "normal" life. What I mean is that I'm not allowed to drive (obvious), but I'm also not allowed to cycle or swim unattended. I only just got my bike for my birthday. Doctor told me that eventually when my seizures are controlled I'll be able to do these things again. Eventually being the optimal word. I'm having to tell myself to keep thinking positive, after all, I could have been driving when I had my tonic-clonic seizure (Grand mal) or if I'd been swimming I could have drowned. So where to from now? I get seizure control and continue to praise God that its a condition that can be medically controlled and 99.9 percent non fatal.
Love and blessings


Anonymous said...

Learning about an illness is good also helps to understand it better maybe you can help others know more. With my diabetes I have been reading up and found out so many things can come from having diabetes such as just a few eye heart kidney problems just some.Keep looking up as I say there many worse off God is looking after you and me. I didn't loose a son I gained another daughter and are always their for you. Mum S.

lydia said...

Thank you so much mum, I couldn't make it this far without you. Now you need to rest up and get better. We need you around to keep spoiling the grandchildren as that is what nana's are for!