Thursday, November 02, 2006

The battle of the wills

Today started off being a really good day, mind you, I think that had to do with girls at school and Aimee at preschool! But when Aimee got home at lunch, a non-stop grizzle session. Right up to collecting the school girls, I naively thought she would be distracted. NOT!! I am fast losing patience as I am tired. I know I should think up a creative activity that's both stimulating and fun. With tiredness hanging over me, I just can't achieve that one. Not today. I shall continue telling myself that she had sufficient stimulatation and education at preschool. I shall have to think up another justification on the days that are non-preschool days if I am tired on those days.
I love my girls, just not the stubborness and strong wills. (I'm sure they don't get that from me! :-) ).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lyds Mel here, Believe me things only get worse!!!!! Wait till they are all at school and you will find one minute it's lovely and quite and the next thing... Door opens and in comes a screaming whirlwind and 300m/ph hurricane of children all talking and yelling at once trying to tell you what they did at school, at the same time you are meant to fix dinner, afternoon tea, help with homework, find money for several various school outings or other such things and remind the kids to put up lunch boxes and get out of school uniforms and try not to hurt each other in the process.
Is is any wonder I enjoy working!!!!
Love ya