Monday, January 22, 2007


I've started a devotional book that my friend sent me last christmas. I haven't read it before till I'd finished another one.
The first entry for the month of January is about Hope. I'd like to share it with you as I feel that it is appropriate for the beginning of a new year.

May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope is in you.
-Psalm 25:21

Hope is a beautiful thing. Like a flower that thrives on sunlight and water, hope relies on the daily sustenance of the Word of God, of prayer, and of experience shared with others who have received the gift. Hope is an elusive bird to those who have no relationship with God or reservation in eternity. Hope requires more than sim;ly clicking red shoes or crossing our fingers. It is a sweet and magnificent benefit of walking with Christ. Hope looks at all that is true about the present, lifts the circumstances of life into the tender, loving hands of God - and exhales in trust. Hope makes it possible to live with our feet firmly planted on earth while our hearts and minds are committed to a vision of life that is far bigger than we are.
A new year is like the fresh, crisp page of an untouched journal. We lift our pen to the first day. This year will hold unexpected joys and sorrows, moments of faith and fear, wishes fulfilled and dreams abandoned. there is much wse do not know. But there is much we do know with absolute assurance. We know that God is in control and that his heart is good and merciful toward us. We know that we are not alone. We know that everything that happens in our lives and in the lives of those we love has already passed through our Father's hands. And we know that we are loved.

Sheila Walsh

I can very much relate about starting a fresh page in my journal. My writing seems to be neater, and the words flow smoothly onto the page. I like to look at every new day a new hope in the Lord guiding my steps. Very reassuring on a tough day.


Anonymous said...

This is very inspiring Lyds, I think I will print it out and put at my desk as sometimes we loose sight of who guides our way. Love you and miss you

Anonymous said...

Yes some good thoughts for a new year - still looking for time to journal - maybe I should read fewer blogs!! nah

Anonymous said...

I feel so much closer to you reading that blog. Especialy since I read the same thing a couple of years ago and I remember how it touched me much the same way. Ray

Anonymous said...

I need to get you and Jo to teach me how to blog while I am there. I could see it being a good remedy for this next year and all the stress and happenings. See you all soon!